Are you bored with your daily gym routine? Tired of the usual morning jogging? The bicycle is not that interesting anymore?

Don’t worry, there are plenty of other wild and fun activities you can do in order to stay in shape or lose a little weight, just check out our list:


Chessboxing is the perfect activity for both your mind and body; it is fun, and not at all hard. It goes like this: two people alternate rounds of speed chess with rounds of boxing. This little activity will release an intense quantity of endorphins, train your mind, keep you entertained, and also work on your body and improve your strength. What’s not to love? Not to mention that all you need is a chess board, boxing gloves, and a partner.

Aerial Yoga

If you are a fan of circus-like acrobatics, aerial yoga is just the sport for you. Think soft hammocks, anti-gravity, and the weightless feeling. More and more people are trying out this type of yoga, as an alternative to the traditional one, because it is fun, it challenges the body in new ways, and it is also great for social bounding. It’s time to let go of that old training routine, and sign up for the aerial yoga challenge.

Sprint Training

If you love jogging and don’t want to give it up, but you find yourself a little bit bored, or want to finish your routine in less time, you can consider adding sprints to your training. It is a fun and rewarding way of improving your jogging, you get through your cardio in less time, and with a smile on your face.Plus, it is lovely childhood reminder!

Hot Yoga

Perfect for sauna lovers, hot yoga is practiced under humid and very hot conditions, which will help you lose weight faster, and get rid of all the toxins in your body. If this unconventional type of workout is what you were looking for, don’t forget to ask your doctor’s approval, as the conditions might not be suited for people who suffer from various conditions, such as thyroid disorders. And speaking of unconventional types of yoga, did you know that you can also practice naked yoga, yoga with your pets, Punk Rock yoga, foodies’ yoga, and even surf yoga? Try them all, and add something new to your training routine every month.


You will never get bored again if you choose to enroll in a bootcamp fitness class. The new favorite training of celebrities, this unconventional yet fun type of training will offer you so much more than your regular running hour. You get to mix and match various types of exercises, and work all your muscles at high intensity. Not to mention the sprint you get from having someone making you stick to your workout. You can go for outdoor or indoor bootcamp, we advise you to choose the outdoor training, as it will offer you the full bootcamp experience.

Bollywood Dancing

With so many dance classes available out there, we decided to go for the one that is most fun, and that will fully get your body going. For those of you who are not yet familiar with this dancing routine, Bollywood dancing is that funny and alert dance you see in Indian movies. The positive aspect of taking a Bollywood dance class is that you don’t have to be any good at it, you just need to have an open mind, and a desire for having fun and staying fit.


Other types of training that are a bit more out-of-the-box: boxing, beach fitness, aerobarre (mix of boxing and ballet), burlesque dancing, or acrobatic classes. The key to getting the most out of this new experiences is to choose the training that best fits your personality and your body needs, and don’t stick to just one type of sport. Add friends or family to the mix, and fun is guaranteed.

What types of unconventional workouts have you encounter so far? And what is your favorite?

BootcampFitnessHealthy lifestyleTeatoxTrainingUnconventionalWeight lossWorkoutYoga

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